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You are my rock



Rocks are strong and stable. In the West, in the past, we used rocks to build the foundations of buildings. So ‘you are my rock’ means: ‘You are my support. Without you, I cannot feel strong and safe and confident.’ This expression comes from the Jewish & Christian Bible; a rock is often a metaphor for God. So if someone tells you, ‘You are my rock’, this is *very* positive! It means they think you are the most important person in their life.


A: I’m sorry to hear your mother is sick. It must be a difficult time for you.
B: Thank you. I’m just so lucky to have my boyfriend. He’s really helped me get through it – he’s my rock.

A: Oh my God! Oh no! I forgot to pay the electricity bill again!
B: Don’t worry – I saw the bill next to the computer so I paid it for you.
A: Oh, wow. Thank you! You’re my rock! What would I do without you?!

Talking Point(s):

Who is your rock? Have you thanked them?

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