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Not playing with a full deck



In Japan playing cards are called トランプ A complete set of 52 playing cards is called a ‘deck’. If you were *really* not playing with a full deck, you would be playing with 45 or 50 cards. Your card-games would not work properly; it would be stupid to play card games without a full deck. So the expression ‘he/she is not playing with a full deck’ means he/she is crazy, stupid or has a mental problem. Their brain is not complete. Be careful – this expression can hurt people’s feelings.


A: Look at that guy. He’s talking to himself.
B: He must not be playing with a full deck.

A: Bob’s a great guy, but I sometimes think he's not playing with a full deck.
B: I know what you mean. Yesterday he panicked when he couldn’t find his car in the parking lot. But actually - he had taken the train to work… He just forgot.

Talking Point(s):

Do you know anyone who’s not playing with a full deck?

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