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put him/her on the spot



‘to put someone on the spot’ means ‘to embarrass someone by a) making them decide something too suddenly or b) making them say something they don’t want to’. ‘on the spot’ means ‘right now’. So if I put you on the spot, I put you under pressure to do something right now.


A: Do you want to be her boyfriend?
B: Um…
A: Well? Do you like her? Do you want to go out with her?
B: Look, you’re really putting me on the spot here!

A: Would you like to work for me? I can offer you a job starting tomorrow.
B: Thank you. I’d love to, but I have to discuss it with my wife.
A: Sorry to put you on the spot, but I’d like an answer now.

Talking Point(s):

Do you hate being put on the spot? Why?

大人からの英会話getgo 西船橋・荻窪・津田沼・本八幡