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Imagine you want to kill a cockroach. A normal person might step on the cockroach. But imagine if someone used a *machine gun* to kill a cockroach – that is an example of ‘overkill’. Overkill means doing too much of something; more than necessary. It has a negative nuance, but it is not usually about killing! For example, if I want to protect myself from the sun, I might use a hat or sunscreen. If I protected myself from the sun by never leaving the house, that would be overkill.


A: Did you see the photos in the news of Chinese women wearing ‘facekinis’ at the beach?
B: ‘Facekinis’? Do you mean masks that cover their head?
A: Yes, they wear them for sun protection, but I think it’s overkill.
B: Do you? I think they’re a good idea. I have lots of wrinkles from the sun! I wish I’d worn a facekini when I was younger.

Talking Point(s):

Do you think ‘facekini’s are overkill?

大人からの英会話getgo 西船橋・荻窪・津田沼・本八幡