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I got this



"I got this" or "I've got this" is a phrase used when you are about to deal with a problem. It usually suggests that you are confident in your ability to solve the problem. However, sarcasm is quite common in English which gives the phrase an opposite meaning. As shown in the picture, the problem is clearly not in control yet the man continues to work on fixing it.


A: Can you give me a hand? I'm trying to open this cabinet but the door seems stuck.
B: Stand back, I got this. (hits cabinet with elbow)
A: Wow, you did it! Thank you!

Talking Point(s):

Is there something that you feel confident dealing with that others might not? For example, setting up a new smart phone, preparing tax documents, or dealing with difficult people?

大人からの英会話getgo 西船橋・荻窪・津田沼・本八幡