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He/She’s a keeper



I think you know the word ‘keep’. We usually keep things that we think we will like long-term. In modern English, we developed the word ‘keep’ into the expression ‘keeper’. A keeper is a good life-partner; a person you want to keep forever. So if you meet a person that you think would be a good husband or wife (or life-partner), you can say ‘He/She’s a keeper’.


A: How’s things with John?
B: Really good! My mother’s sick, and John sent her flowers. Isn’t that nice?
A: Really sweet. He’s a keeper!

A: Where are you going?
B: I don’t know. My girlfriend says she has a surprise planned for my birthday. She just told me to bring my passport and a toothbrush.
A: Exciting! What a woman! She’s a keeper.

Talking Point(s):

What makes someone a keeper for you?

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