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gut instinct



Sometimes we use logic to make decisions. But other times we make decisions based on ‘gut instinct’. ‘Gut instinct’ means a very powerful feeling (but usually a feeling we cannot explain with logic). For example, imagine you meet someone once, and you do not like him. But you cannot think of any good reason *why* you don’t like him. You might say, ‘I just had a gut instinct he was a bad guy’.


A: So – we’ve interviewed 2 people about becoming our sharemate. Which person should we choose?
B: I like the musician guy. I just have a gut instinct that he’s a good person.
A: Mmmm… I don’t trust gut instinct. Let’s choose the girl who owns the Nintendo Famicom.

Talking Point(s):

Have you ever had a gut instinct about someone?

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