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Coming of Age



In Japan, 20-year-olds have a special day to celebrate becoming an adult. Sometimes it is translated as ‘Coming of Age Day’. In modern Western countries, 18th and 21st birthdays have the same kind of importance – they are a symbol of coming of age. The expression ‘coming of age’ means ‘becoming an adult’. Sometimes it means turning the legal adult age (20 in Japan). However, it can also mean when your mind becomes adult. For example, some people feel they come of age when they start working, or fall in love, or become a parent.


A: Are you watching ‘Stand by Me’ again? Why do you like that movie?
B: It’s a great coming-of-age story. It’s about facing difficult families and responsibilities…and even death. Those boys are only 12, but they come of age during that story.

Talking Point(s):

When do you think you came of age?

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