
As you know, ‘thirsty’ means ‘to need a drink’. But recently people have also started using it to mean ‘wanting something very much’. For example, ‘You’re so thirsty for him!’ means ‘You really want (to be with) him!’ The media even talks about ‘thirst tweets’; this means messages on twitter where people show love (or desire, anyway!) for famous people. Usually thirst tweets are written about young, good-looking actors, musicians and athletes. However, since Coronavirus hit New York, the 62-year-old Governor of New York has been getting a lot of thirst tweets from young people. In crazy times like this, maybe humans all get a little thirsty for strong authority figures.
A: Phwoah! Did you see Governor Cuomo give his daily briefing today? I’m in love!
B: Not you too! Why is every woman thirsty for this guy? A month ago he was just a really unpopular politician!
Talking Point(s):
Which Japanese celebrities get thirst tweets? Are the Japanese people thirsty for any politicians?
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