Secret Santa (expression)

In many workplaces in the West, people exchange small, cheap gifts secretly at Christmas-time. One person writes everyone’s names on pieces of paper. The papers go into a hat, and everyone pulls out a name. You must buy a present for the person whose name you pull out. You must also never tell the person that you were the gift-buyer. So, you become that person’s ‘Secret Santa’, because your identity is secret and, like Santa Claus, you give gifts at Christmas.
A: Whose Secret Santa are you?
B: That’s a secret! I can’t tell you.
A: Oooh! Maybe you got me! If you did, please buy me a bottle of wine. I’m John’s Secret Santa. I have no idea what to buy him…
B: He loves funny socks. Why don’t you buy him some Christmas socks?
Talking Point(s):
Are you coming to the Getgo Christmas party???