RSVP (phrase)

When we plan a party, we want to know how many people are coming. So on party invitations you might see ‘RSVP’ on it. This means ‘Tell me if you are coming!’ Most often you will see the date after RSVP (eg RSVP Dec 14). This means ‘Tell me by Dec 14 if you are coming!’ ‘RSVP is taken from the French expresion: ‘Repondez Sil Vous Plait’. In English, Repondez Sil Vous Plait means ‘Respond, please’. If you add the phrase ‘RSVP’ to the end of your invitation, your guests will let you know if they’re going to come to the party or not!
A: Hey Abby, are you going the Getgo Christmas party next Sunday?
B: I haven’t given an RSVP yet. Are you going?
A: Yes, of course! Those parties are always fun. They didn’t ask me for an RSVP, but I have written my name on the sign-up sheet. Please come!
Talking Point(s):
Are you coming to the Getgo Christmas party???