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The Moon on a Stick (expression)



Can you imagine how difficult it would be to put the moon on a stick?!
You do a lot of things for someone, but it’s never enough. They are never satisfied. They want the moon on a stick. This means, they want more than you can give. But when we really like someone, sometimes we try to give them the moon on a stick, anyway.


A: Hey! I made you a sandwich, and I bought you a coffee from Starbucks. Enjoy your lunch!
B: Oh. No cake? What am I going to have for dessert?
A: Oh my God! You’re never satisfied! You want the moon on a stick. I give up. Next time, buy your own coffee.

Talking Point(s):

Who would you give the moon on a stick to?

Practice English by posting an answer to the Talking Point on https://www.facebook.com/GetGOEikaiwa