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Take the L



‘Take the L’ means ‘take the loss’. In other words, accept losing; give up. This is a pretty new expression, that is mainly used by people under 30. It’s most commonly used online. For example, imagine playing an online game with someone who continued to argue or fight even after it is clear that they have lost. You could say to them, ‘Come on! It’s over. Just take the L.’ If you’re young and interested in new expressions, this is a good one to use. If you’re not young and/or interested in new expressions, it is a good expression to understand!


A: I’m so tired. This report is 20 pages long…
B: You know that report is only 5% of our final grade, right? It’s not worth all this stress. Who cares if you fail a 5% report? Just take the L. Life is too short.

Talking Point(s):

How would you feel about using the expression ‘Take the L’?

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