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She can drink you under the table



Japanese people sometimes tell me, ‘I think you are strong at drinking alcohol!’ (I’m not, but that’s not the point!) Anyway, ‘strong’ to describe drinking sounds a little strange in English. We can say, ‘He/She is a heavy drinker’ (but that is a negative expression; it suggests alcoholism) and we can say ‘He/She likes a drink’ (this is not negative or positive). However, my favourite expression about drinking is ‘He/She can drink you under the table’. This has a positive nuance. It means that he or she can drink more alcohol than ‘you’. It also suggests that he or she can stay calm and cool after drinking; while ‘you’ get so drunk that you fall asleep under the table.


A: Would you like another beer? Are you sure you can manage it?
B: Huh! I could drink you under the table!
A: Ok, challenge accepted! Waiter – bring us some tequila!

Talking Point(s):

Do you like a drink? Have you ever drunk someone under the table?
Practice English by posting an answer to the Talking Point on https://www.facebook.com/GetGOEikaiwa