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Lip Service (Expression)



'Lip service' is 'when your words support an idea, but your thoughts and actions do not'. To pay lip service to something means 'to say you support something without really meaning it'. For example, 'The President said he supports free education, but clearly he's just paying lip service' means 'The President doesnt really support free education; he is just pretending to support it.' We use this expression a lot when talking about politics! It is a negative expression.


A: I'm sorry, I can't go on holiday with you on Golden Week. I have to work.
B: You said family was important!
A: It is! You are the most important thing in my life!
B: I feel you are just paying lip service to the idea of family. You don't actually spend time with us…

Talking Point(s):

Do you always say what you mean? If not, what do you pay lip service to?
Practice English by writing your thoughts on this issue to @getgo_pam on twitter.com