

会員ログイン 体験レッスン2回まで無料!


Left on Read



If you are left on read, it means that you sent a message to someone and they read it, but they didn’t respond. That person may have forgotten to respond, they may be writing a response, or they might just be ignoring you. In any case, you don’t want to be left on read. (Note: the other person must open your message so that the conversation shows that they saw it—indicated by “ read at 1:57”, for example.)


A: So when’s the next date with Mr. So-and-so? You know, the hot dentist?
B: There isn’t going to be a second date.
A: You’re kidding! Why not?
B: I sent him a long message saying how much fun the first date was, and can we get dinner this Friday!?... but he just left me on read!

Talking Point(s):

Have you ever been left on read? Have you ever left someone on read? Why?

大人からの英会話getgo 西船橋・荻窪・津田沼・本八幡